Here you can find the latest information about what is happening at Sharp Electronics Corporation in the Americas.

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Executive Bios

Jun (Jeff) Ashida

Jun (Jeff) Ashida is the President and CEO of Sharp Electronics Corporation in the US as well as the CEO Americas. In this role, Jeff oversees operations in the U.S. and the entire American region, where he is responsible for the strategic direction for mid to long-term. He is also a vice president of the smart office solution business unit of Sharp corporation in charge of the overseas market.

Jeff has long-term experience serving in the overseas market, particularly for Sharp’s business solution business, holding several senior positions within Sharp, in Japan, the U.S., Australia and most recently in Europe, where he served as President and CEO for Sharp Electronics Europe from August 2017 – June 2021. In the EU, he led business transformation beyond printing solutions, developing display, PC and IT service solutions including M&A strategy.  He took on his current role in the Americas in July 2021.